A Phase III clinical trial for the PAI-1 (plasminogen activator inhibitor 1) inhibitor RS5614, which is given orally to enhance the therapeutic effect in malignant melanoma for which immune checkpoint inhibitors are ineffective, have begun at Tohoku University. RS5614 is a Japanese drug developed in collaboration with academia including Tohoku University, from discovery to optimization, nonclinical GLP testing, GMP synthesis and formulation, and Phase I to Phase III trials. A press release was issued on this matter at Tohoku University’s headquarters, medical school, and university hospital on February 19, and a newspaper article was published in Nikkei Biotech on February 18, Kahoku Shimpo on February 20, and February 21 issue of the Science Newspaper.
This Phase 3 study is a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of RS5614 in combination with nivolumab in 124 patients with unresectable melanoma, and will be conducted at 18 institutions across Japan, including Tohoku University Hospital (Tohoku University Hospital, Sapporo Medical University Hospital, Hirosaki University Hospital, Jichi Medical University Saitama Medical Center, National Cancer Center Hospital East, National Cancer Center Hospital, Cancer Institute Hospital of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research, Niigata Cancer Center Hospital, Shizuoka Cancer Center, Nagoya City University Hospital, University of Tsukuba Hospital, Gifu University Hospital, Shimane University Hospital, Ehime University Hospital, Kyushu University Hospital, Kyushu Cancer Center, Kumamoto University Hospital, and Kagoshima Medical Center).
The Science Newspaper
Tohoku University
Tohoku University School of Medicine
Tohoku University Hospital
The Kahoku Shimpo
Nikkei Biotechnology