IR Information

To Our Shareholders and Investors

On September 24, 2021, we were listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) Mothers (Currently, TSE Growth) and joined the ranks of public companies that receive funds from our shareholders. We would like to thank our investors once again for their support, and we are committed to returning value to all of our stakeholders.

Thanks to the support of our stakeholders, research and development is proceeding as planned, and we are now in the phase III trial stage for chronic myeloid leukemia and malignant melanoma. We will continue to work to deliver our compounds to patients as soon as possible.

Going forward, we will further promote our existing development pipeline projects while we will ensure that the compliance is strictly observed. In addition, we are looking to take on challenges in new areas, e.g.; new modalities, that involve a certain degree of risk. Through the promotion of these businesses, we will provide new value to the society, steadily earn profits in return, and grow into a sustainable company for the future.

We will also contribute to the social development by aiming to maximize the value of all stakeholders who support us.

Keisuke Furuta, President and CEO